Runing Hours Renting in Barcelona.

LocLum Running hours @ €32

Running hours @ €32

Regular price €32,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €32,00 EUR
Sale Sold out

The Runing Hours is a professional service tailored to support your business needs. The service boasts several key features and technical specifications that are relevant to professional photographers and videographers. Price is set at €32 per running hour.

Key Features:

  • Flexible Scheduling: This service accepts appointments in terms of running hours, making it adaptable to any shooting schedule or type of project.
  • Affordable Rate: The set rate is €32 per running hour, creating a cost-effective solution for those in need of professional assistance.
  • Professional Standards: The service is designed to meet the high-quality standards of professional photographers and videographers, ensuring that your needs are met to the best of our ability.
  • Wide Scope: This service is beneficial for all types of projects and shooting requirements, including but not limited to weddings, corporate events, photo shoots, and film sets.

Technical Specifications:

  • Time Slots: The service can be booked by the hour, with a minimum booking of one running hour.
  • Payment: The set rate of €32 should be paid per running hour, payable through various online transaction methods, for convenience.
  • Time Management: Regardless of the booking time slot, service is guaranteed to be uninterrupted and efficient from start to finish.
  • Compatibility: This service can integrate with your workflow, regardless of what equipment or software is used.

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